Jeu: BMW Parking 3D

Accueil / Jeux de Course / Jeux de Parking / BMW Parking 3D Jeu (BMW Parking 3D) - Jeux gratuits pour les filles!

Info sur le jeu

Total des notes:  1015 .   82.27% l'ont apprécié.
Total des notes: 1015 . 82.27% l'ont apprécié.
Description BMW Parking 3D:
Take the wheel of a BMW automobile in this 3D parking game. Drive your car to the parking spot marked with a red arrow, and then park the car as carefully as possible to avoid scratching it. Each level has a time limit, and your score will be based on the time you have remaining. This time limit decreases with each level, so you'll need to be fast if you want to complete all 24 levels.

Arrows = Drive
Spacebar = Brake


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Walkthrough van BMW Parking 3D

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